David Leitner
Proven to be very effective on the frontlines tackling the challenges of scaling software and complex domains. Combines excellent all-round technical skills as well as an extensive ability to lead software teams in an agile environment.
David Leitner is co-founder and engineering lead at SQUER and knows how to deal with architecture, conception and implementation of web applications (front and back end). Since 2016 David has actively shaped the term MicroFrontends and has prolonged his ideas and experiences at international conferences. He is also external lecturer at the FH Technikum Wien for software architecture and software frameworks in post-diploma courses. He is the initiator of the Codecrafts Conference in Vienna, author of multiple specialist articles, co-host of a podcast and a frequent speaker at conferences around the world. However, David loves nothing more than developing software solutions together with teams to create impact for users.
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For me, sport is an highly important to keep a good work-life balance. Preferably close to the mountains – for ski tours in winter or bike races in summer. In case the mountains are not close enough, I would choose the sea.